Illinois Pioneering Renewable Energy

A recent report has revealed that 91 communities in the state of Illinois receive power from 100 percent renewable electricity.  This makes the state the leader in the use of renewable energy.  This increase in the use of renewable energy by Illinois residents has resulted in a reduction of pollution in the state.  The Community Choice Aggregation which is an energy model passed in 2009, is the driving force behind the state’s surge in the use of renewable energy as a source of electricity.

Among the 91 communities in Illinois that rely on renewable energy sources for electricity include Urbana and Champaign County.  Champaign uses the Muncipal Electric Aggregation program while Urbana uses adopted version of the Community Choice aggregation.  Despite employing different programs, both cities still go through  Ameren; however, because the coalition that Urbana uses has more cities, their residents receive a lower rate than residents in Champaign.

Urbana and Champaign are advocates of renewable energy as they both want to reduce their carbon footprint. They also want to reduce their impact on climate change.